How to play Jetlag(ish)

Note: where any dispute or question about the rules occurs, the spirit of the Official Jet Lag the Game (or player consensus) rules.

Starting out

Start at a central point. For Boston, Shake Shack on Washington St is perfect.

The goal is to earn points. Points are earned by getting to a POI and by returning to the center point.

Coins are different than points. Coins let the Runners move. Challenges give coins.


Split the group into two teams. Select one team to be the Runners. They start the game with 100 coins. All other coins must be earned with challenges.

One runner shares their location with the other team.

The Runners goal is to go to one of the POIs, then get back to the Center

When the game starts, the Runners get a 15 minute head start. during this 15 minutes, Runners cannot select a challenge


The Chasers are just trying to tag any of the Runners

If any of the runners get tagged, the run is over.

When a tag happens, change teams, and new Runners start from current location.


  • Coins are preserved, so your coin ballance will remain from round to round.
  • On a tag, roles switch, and the new runners get a 15 minute head start, but cannot do challenges during this time.
  • Both teams start with 100 coins, then have to use challenges to earn more.
    • Only the Runners have to use coins to travel


  • Points:
    • See the drawing below.
    • If Red goes from the Center to POI(1) they get 1.5 points.
      • If they get really close to POI(1) but don’t make it, 0 points
    • Then they can try to get back to the Center.
    • They get points based on how many miles they make it.
      • In the drawing, they make it 1 mile, but don’t get to the center, so they get 1 point
      • Red gets 1.5+1 = 2.5 points
    • Now Green starts, but they start from where Red got tagged.
      • They make it to POI(2) so get the number of points that is the distance LINEARLY or 2 points
      • Then they make it back to the Center, so they get that distance in points
      • Green gets 2+3 = 5 points

The app Organic Maps makes measuring distance linearly easy
