
Eat good - eat one of an oponent’s favorite foods 250 coins Back

1 min


Praise the ugliest building - Travel to the ugliest building within half a mile. List three things that you love about it while standing a maximum of 300 feet away from it 130 coins Back

1 min


Ship/mail this card (if no physical card, find something similar) to the a oponents residence 100 coins Back

1 min


Shoot a bullseye (anything with anything) 100 coins Back

1 min


Find a fancy car - find a car with a sticker price of more than $150,000. Must take a photo of the car, then check online 80 coins Back

1 min


Have one person spin with their eyes closed, in place, multiple times. Once they stop and open their eyes, use Google Maps to find the point 1/2 a mile away in the direction that the stopped spinner is facing. Then Travel as close as possible to that point. 100 coins Back

1 min


Get on a train immediately - You must be on a moving train in the next 5 minutes. 100 coins Back

1 min


Go exactly half a mile - Close your eyes, spin in a circle, and point in a random direction. You must go as close as possible (on publicly-accessible land) to the location exactly half a mile in that direction. 150 coins Back

1 min


Hide and seek - Alert the chasers as soon as you pull this card. Choose a building within half a mile of where you are now. Send the chasers its address, turn off your tracker, and then find a hiding place. Once you have chosen a hiding place, you may not move until you are caught or you claim the card. The chasers have half an hour from the time you turn off your tracker to find you....

1 min


Give your teammate a piggyback ride. - the rider must be on for 5 minutes 100 coins Back

1 min


Make a 30-second parkour video. - record, edit and send to the groupchat a parkour video including all teamates 200 coins Back

1 min


Touch a bird 100 coins Back

1 min


Transfer water - transfer a bit of water from one source to another (you cant use anything you brought) 100 coins Back

1 min


Get a 3 point-er in cornhole 150 coins Back

1 min


Find and touch a historical statue 250 coins Back

1 min


Go to a spot along a local run (i.e. Boston marathon) 150 coins Back

1 min


Travel to the 3rd floor, or higher, of a building 150 coins Back

1 min


Go down a slide 150 coins Back

1 min


Name correctly an airline - Look at any plane in the air, and match it up with if the airline matches, you get the reward. You get 3 tries. 100 coins Back

1 min


Get strangers to pose for a picture with your team 100 coins Back

1 min


Dip at least a toe of each team member into a liquid. Photo(s) are a must 200 coins Back

1 min


Get a picture of one of your team members pretending to sleep on a public bench. 100 coins Back

1 min


Your team must spend the next 10 minutes skipping. No walking allowed 100 coins Back

1 min


Hug a tree 50 coins Back

1 min


Everyone wear your outer layer backwards for 30 minutes. Once layers are reversed, collect the reward 100 coins Back

1 min


Find as many public servant vehicles as you can. (police, ambulance) 20 coins per vehicle Back

1 min


Drop any $ bill, and yell “10 second rule!” Continue on after 10 seconds 100 coins Back

1 min


Run the bases on a baseball diamond. 300 coins Back

1 min


change time zones - everyone set your clocks to a different timezone, so each teamate has a different time on their phone. Timezone cannot be in the Americas. STOP READING AND CHANGE CLOCKS, THEN CONTINUE - now that clocks are set, you can reset your clocks when one teamate’s time is 11am. 200 coins Back

1 min


Curse! Your whole team can’t use GPS for 15 minutes 0 coins Back

1 min


Curse! Your whole team can’t use the internet for 15 minutes 0 coins Back

1 min


Tie two teamates legs together for like a 3-legged race. They must travel like this for the next 15 minutes 100 coins Back

1 min


No talking! Your team cannot speak at all afor the next 30 minutes 150 coins Back

1 min


Curse! Your next challenge effect is halved 0 coins Back

1 min


The chasers get to choose your next direction! Ask the other team “right or left” and at the next fork in the road, you have to follow what they say. 100 coins Back

1 min


Walk backwards! 15 mins of walking backwards 150 coins Back

1 min


Until you complete the next challenge, you can only walk the number of steps you roll with a dice (can be digital dice) 50 coins Back

1 min


Curse! Next challenge effects to to the other team! 0 coins Back

1 min


Find a Geocache available to free users. 300 coins Back

1 min


Curse! During your next challenge, you can only walk 2 steps forward then 1 setp backwards 0 coins Back

1 min


Find a physical map and mark where you are. Check GPS, and if you are more than half a mile from where you guessed, you fail this challenge. 100 coins Back

1 min


Get out of the current city you are in! (ie get out of Cambrige) 150 coins Back

1 min


Curse! At no coin cost, get into the closest train ASAP! 0 coins Back

1 min


Go to the lowest rated business within half a mile and touch it. 100 coins Back

1 min


Oragami time! Make something out of paper and carry it for the rest of the run. 100 coins Back

1 min