
Help a street performer out until someone donates to them 200 coins Back

1 min


Touch a body of water. 50 coins Back

1 min


In a clothing store, try on a garment of clothing. 40 coins Back

1 min


Go over a bridge 70 coins Back

1 min


Sit on a park bench for exactly 5 minutes. 130 coins Back

1 min


Find a pigeon. 30 coins Back

1 min


Touch a statue. 70 coins Back

1 min


Go to a street name of a food/drink (ex. Chestnut, Water). 80 coins Back

1 min


Build a spaghetti tower - Using only spaghetti and one other food, construct a freestanding tower that reaches at least 2 feet in height. The majority of the tower’s height must be spaghetti. The tower must stay at a height of at least 2 feet for 10 seconds without assistance. You must declaire an attempt at completion. If you fail 3 times, you automatically veto this challenge. 200 coins Back

1 min


DATE AN OLD THING - Find an old structure. You have one guess to accurately predict which century it was built in. You may not use your phone or any concrete information concerning it’s construction date. You must make this guess using contextual clues. If your guess is wrong, you cannot find a reliable date of construction or if your building was constructed during the 20th or 21st century, this challenge is automatically vetoed....

1 min


GET LUCKY ON COIN FLIPS - Get a coin to land heads up seven times in a row. 170 coins Back

1 min


Break a law (not jaywalking or littering) 100 coins Back

1 min


Guesstimate a kilometer - Starting from this place you were when you pulled this challenge, without measuring, get as close to one kilometer away as you can (measured as the crow flies) You must be right within 30%. If you fail, you may not reattempt. Apart from a timer/watch, you may not consult your phone, maps, or any other tools before completing or vetoing this challenge. 280 coins Back

1 min


PLAY ALCOHOL PONG - Find any alcohol and pour it in a cup. Throw any item from a distance of six feet into the cup. You have ten attempts. If you fail, this challenge is automatically vetoed 230 coins Back

1 min


PICKLE - Quick-pickle any vegetable using vinegar, salt and water. Your vegetable must be split into at least five pieces. You must put your pickles on any food you eat today. 160 coins Back

1 min


DESECRATE RAVIOLI - Acquire ravioli and Oreos. Swap the filling of at least one raviolo and one Oreo, and eat the entirety of both your creations. 180 coins Back

1 min


BURN THIS CARD (if no physical card, find something similar)- This card must be burnt within 5 minutes of pulling it. If you fail to burn this card within five minutes, it is vetoed. This card does not need to be entirely burned, but it must be on fire at some point within the time limit. 200 coins Back

1 min


EAT THIS CARD (if no physical card, find something similar) 150 coins Back

1 min


CREATE A DISPUTATION ON THE POWER AND EFFICACY OF INDULGENCES - Write down 95 of your opinions on paper. The average word count of your opinions must be at least 5. Each option must be unique and distinct from all previous opinions. Publicly recite all opinions. 230 coins Back

1 min


Buy The Same Thing As Your Teammate - Pick any store. One teammate will go in, purchase one item, and then hand it to their blindfolded teammate. The blindfolded teammate may inspect the item as much as they want, then has one attempt to purchase the same item. 150 coins Back

1 min


Get Upcharged - Go into any store and take a photo of one item and its price. Then, before entering, choose a second store. You must find the exact same item being sold for a higher price in that store. If the store doesn’t have the same item, or it is being sold for less, then this challenge is failed. 200 coins Back

1 min


Clean up - Pick up, and properly dispose of 40 distinct pieces of trash, each larger than a golf ball. 70 coins Back

1 min


Sing a Christmas Carol infront of a Xmas tree 150 coins Back

1 min


Become Florida Man - Recreate any Florida Man headline 50 coins per headline, up to 6x Back

1 min


Acquire a gourd 100 coins Back

1 min


Acquire matches 100 coins Back

1 min


Start a fire 100 coins Back

1 min


Bribe the chief of police - Visit any local police station and leave a dollar outside with a note outlining your demands. 150 coins Back

1 min


Make a snowman 100 coins Back

1 min


Climb a tree - Climb up a tree at least 4 feet off the ground. 80 coins Back

1 min


Cry 100 coins Back

1 min


Face cookie - Place a cookie of any kind on your forehead. Without using your hands, and without help, eat the cookie. 150 coins Back

1 min


Find a non-american flag - It must be the flag of another country. You may not create the flag in any way. 80 coins Back

1 min


Score with a basketball, in a basketball hoop 200 coins Back

1 min


Find a gun 100 coins Back

1 min


Get a car to honk 100 coins Back

1 min


Get on a boat 300 coins Back

1 min


Write a 4-letter word on Strava 150 coins Back

1 min


Do 50 burpees as a team 80 coins Back

1 min


Cut an orange in half using only this card (if no physical card, find something similar) 100 coins Back

1 min


Do a taste test - Acquire a bag of Haribo Gold Bears. Close you eyes. Taste three gold bears and guess their flavors. You must get all three correct. If you do not succeed, you must wait 10 minutes before trying again. You may practice. 150 coins Back

1 min


Send a menacing image of your team to the chasers 50 coins Back

1 min


Make a putt - Roll a ball into a cup from a distance of 10 feet. The cup may be no larger than 6 inches in diameter. You may spend as long as you wish setting up items to aid its roll. Any tests you conduct may not use the ball. You get one attempt, If you fail, the challenge is automatically vetoed. 250 coins Back

1 min


Do 100 squats as a team 130 coins Back

1 min


In a clothing store, try on a full outfit (bottom + top) 100 coins Back

1 min


Find a snack on a stick 80 coins Back

1 min


Go to something interesting - Without researching on YouTube, go to something that has a YouTube video about it with at least 100,000 views. The YouTube video’s title must either include the thing’s name, or clearly be referencing it as its main focus. If you cannot find a video correlating to your location you may either retry or veto the challenge. 100 coins Back

1 min


Show off your chopstick skills - Transport 30 grains of rice (or similar sized object), one at a time, from one container to another with chopsticks (or similarly shaped objects). If you drop any, you must start over. 150 coins Back

1 min


Stalk a bird - You must have a single bird on camera continuously for two minutes. If you ever lose sight of the bird or have to cut, you have to start over. The bird must be alive, and may not be caged. 150 coins Back

1 min


Record an animal - Record any single animal for as long as possible. Send the video to the oponents, and inform them they have to record a longer video to prevent you from getting this challenge’s reward 200 coins Back

1 min