How I made this Website

The goal of this is to have a folder of files I can edit, then upload to GitHub, and have a website built whenever there is a commit.

Install hugo

Install via package manager, ie: dnf install hugo

Choose a directory, then hugo new site ./

I referenced this YouTube video to get me started

Set a theme

Download a theme, and set it in hugo.toml: theme = 'PaperMod'

Make a page

to make a new post, or new content, hugo new articles/

this makes the md file in the content/articles folder

In the file, you can add all kinds of markdown that will be rendered as html later.

For example: add an image: ![llama](/img/llama.png "llama") or # headings

so here is what my looks like so far:

date: "2024-12-29T20:02:41-05:00"
draft: false
- website
- intro
- Cloudflare
- Hugo
title: This Website

## How I made this Website 

The goal of this is to have a folder of files I can edit, then upload to GitHub, and have a website built whenever there is a commit.


- [Install hugo](#install) and initiate a new site
- [Set a theme](#theme)
- [Make a page](#page)
- [Run Hugo locally](#run) for testing and viewing changes
- [Use a git repo](#git) and send it to GitHub for later
- [Run it on Cloudflare pages](#cloudflare) and connect a domain


## Install

Install via package manager, ie: `dnf install hugo`

Choose a directory, then `hugo new site ./`

I referenced [this YouTube video]( to get me started

## Theme

[Download a theme](, and set it in hugo.toml: `theme = 'PaperMod'`

## Page

to make a new post, or new content, `hugo new articles/`

this makes the md file in the content/articles folder

In the file, you can add all kinds of markdown that will be rendered as html later.

For example: add an image: `![llama](/img/llama.png "llama")` or `# headings`

so here is what my looks like so far:

Run Hugo locally

Now, the next step is to get this running somewhere.

Run hugo server from the directory, and look at it at http://localhost:1313

Now, when you make changes, it will refresh and show here.

Use a git repo

Run git init to start the git repo, and send it to a public git platform. for me it will be here:

I also added a .gitignore file and added /public to it so that the whenever I run hugo server locally, Git ignores the changes made in /public

then git remote add origin git branch -M main git push -u origin main

Or use a visual Git program (like VSCode)

Now, whenever you make a normal commit, it will be on GitHub

Run it on Cloudflare pages

Now all the files are in my Git repo, now To host the site somewhere publicly.

I will be using Cloudflare’s own guide here

Basically, follow the steps from Deploy with Cloudflare Pages and make a new page with main as the branch, hugo as the command and directory as public. Also make sure to set the env var as HUGO_VERSION to the current version you have locally (for me it is 0.126.2 (run hugo version))

You should get a success!

I have my domain ( setup through cloudflare, so its just a few clicks, then done! see

Now, whenever I make a commit to this git repo, Cloudflare automatically builds this website and updates it. All for free (minus domain cost)